HISTORY as narrative or thematic explorations

There are many ways to present historical information. The City Botanic Gardens history is provided here in three ways: as a traditional narrative (downloadable file),  a brief list of Moments in Time, and as an illustrated thematic description (another downloadable file).

FOR A DETAILED NARRATIVE, download this extract of the 1995 History written by Helen Hamley.

Click this >>> FNSECT5G1995history

Here are some illustrated highlights from the 2017 Talk to QUT/LA students by Jean Sim. More to come!

OBBG history 2017 Talk MOMENTS first 100 years

OBBG history 2017 Talk Moreton Bay Penal Settlement

OBBG history 2017 Talk government reserves

OBBG history 2017 Talk 1890 map

OBBG history 2017 Talk MOMENTS early 20th century

OBBG history 2017 Talk HMAS Moreton

OBBG history 2017 Talk Oakman's Redesign 1961 plan

OBBG history 2017 Talk After 1987 redevelopment

OBBG history 2017 Talk MOB exhibition Cultivating Eden
2005: Museum of Brisbane Exhibition Cultivating Eden



Title page from OBBG history 2017 Talk
Title page from CBG history 2017 Talk
Thematic contents in OBBG history 2017 Talk
Thematic contents in CBG history 2017 Talk


ADDITIONAL SOURCES, extracted from unpublished manuscript of History of Old Brisbane Botanic Gardens (2006):

References OBBGnarhist2006extract REFERENCES

Appendix A: Managers and Botanists OBBGnarhist2006 extract APPENDIX A (also listed on Just add People page).

Appendix B: BOTANIC GARDENS LIBRARY begun by Walter Hill in 1860s OBBGnarhist2006 extract APPENDIX B

Appendix E: Leading Commercial Nurseries 1860s-1880s OBBGnarhist2006 extract APPENDIX E

Appendix F: Economic Plants Introduced by Walter Hill between 1855 and 1872 OBBGnarhist2006 extract APPENDIX F