Botanical Collections

Key collections at Mt Coot-tha BG include: largest collection of Australian native rainforest species in any botanic garden in the world; thematic collections, geographic collections (American Region, African Region), ethnobotanic and conservation collections; one of the largest collections of Diospyros sp. in any botanic gardens in the world; the new Queensland Conservation Collection is planned to house as many of the Queensland threatened species as climatically possible, working with regional botanic gardens to house the remainder where possible. Two thirds of the 54ha site is devoted to Australian native species. In summary, there are over 200,000 plants and 5000+ species.  [Source: Dale Arvidsson, Curator, 19 April 2018].

UNDER DEVELOPMENT. A summary and detailed content to be added.


Also located within the grounds of MCBG is the State Herbarium, originally part of the Brisbane Botanic Gardens.

A Herbarium is collection of pressed, dried plants that are labelled comprehensively and used for reference purposes. Some of the oldest specimens in the BRI collection were collected by Banks and Solander in 1770.

Here is their website: >>>

There are several useful reference publications available directly from their website. If you want to more about indigenous Queensland plants, refer to

“The Vegetation of Queensland: Descriptions of Broad Vegetation Groups”

This PDF file synthesises the information gained from more than 35 years of survey and mapping of vegetation and regional ecosystems. It describes the 98 Broad Vegetation Groups defined for the 1:1M mapping level. It is illustrated with 375 photographs, 108 tables and 103 maps.

Go here to download: >>>